Executive Offices
The Executive Division provides direct support to the Treasurer in the execution of his wide-ranging Constitutional responsibilities. As the chief banker, the Treasurer is responsible for receiving, depositing, investing, and distributing state funds, as well as anticipating the monetary needs of the state. While these activities are delegated to various divisions, the Executive Division coordinates and manages the day-to-day operations of the office to ensure that the activities remain effective and efficient.
Additionally, on behalf of the Board of Public Works, the Treasurer conducts bond sales each year to ensure the state’s ability to meet its fiscal obligations. The Treasurer also provides lease-purchase financing of capital and energy equipment for state agencies and handles insurance needs for the state.
The Executive Division coordinates legislation for the office, reviewing bills and preparing information for fiscal notes, written testimony, and proposed legislation.
Chief Deputy Treasurer
The Chief Deputy Treasurer coordinates and leads the operations of the State Treasurer’s Office, including the Budget and Financial Administration, Treasury Management, Debt Management, Insurance, Information Technology, and Maryland 529 Divisions. The Chief Deputy Treasurer advises the Treasurer on matters regarding legislative policy, planning, new technologies and long-term operational challenges, opportunities, and strategies. Another critical function of the Chief Deputy is coordinating operational functions with other state agencies, such as the Comptroller’s Office and the Department of Budget and Management.
Additionally, the Chief Deputy Treasurer supports the Treasurer in his service on state boards and commissions, such as the State Retirement & Pension Systems Board of Trustees, Maryland Teachers & State Employees Supplemental Retirement Plan Board of Trustees, the Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority, the Maryland Environmental Service Board of Directors, and Revenue Bond Advisory Committee, as well as in participation with the National Association of State Treasurers.
Deputy Treasurer for Public Policy
The Deputy Treasurer works closely with members of the General Assembly and its Standing Committees, such as the Senate Budget & Taxation and House Appropriations Committees, regarding the office’s budget. The Chief Deputy Treasurer also prepares reports and updates the office’s progress throughout the year for the Statutory Committees of the House and Senate, including the Spending Affordability Committee, the Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds, Legislative Policy Committee, and the Joint Audit Committee; as well as serving as the Treasurer’s designee on task forces, commissions, and other committees of the General Assembly, as required.
Board of Public Works Liaison
The Board of Public Works (BPW) Liaison serves as the primary advisor to the Treasurer regarding BPW-related activity. The liaison conducts extensive research and works closely with the Treasurer’s counsel and representatives of the governor, cabinet members and their agencies, the Comptroller, and the BPW Office to prepare a detailed analysis for the Treasurer for each meeting as well as make recommendations to the Treasurer about the agenda Items. The liaison serves as the primary contact for members of the Maryland General Assembly for all issues related to the BPW and as such, informs state legislators of upcoming board actions that affect their districts, and provides a status update once the board has rendered its final vote.
Additionally, this person represents the Treasurer on the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation and the Maryland Environmental Service.