Human Resources
The Human Resources (HR) division is an integral part of agency operations and is fortunate to have the privilege to interact with every employee who works at the State Treasurer’s Office (STO). The division spearheads personnel management in various forms including recruitment, classification and compensation, benefits administration, employee relations, personnel database management and position control, pension and supplemental retirement benefits, performance evaluation, leave accounting, and staff development.

The division provides interpretation and guidance on state personnel laws, policies, and procedures, and coordinates the development and implementation of office policies and guidelines. In addition, the division is also responsible for overseeing compliance with the American with Disabilities Act and interacts with the agency’s Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer to ensure a safe, fair, and equal work environment for everyone.

State Treasurer's Office Career Opportunities
Job opportunities in the Maryland State Treasurer’s Office are accessible through JobAps, the Statewide Recruitment, Examination, and Applicant Tracking system. Through JobAps, new applicants will create a personalized account profile by using their email address. This profile can be modified regularly to reflect the applicant’s current circumstances, allowing users to apply for various State positions quickly and easily. Applicants also have the ability to track the status of their applications online throughout the recruitment process. First-time users can register for an account by selecting a position for which to apply, choosing “I am a new user” at the bottom of the announcement, and then keying in the necessary fields. By using the Department filter and highlighting “Office of the Treasurer,” you can view and apply for any/all active recruitments within our agency.
As of February 26, 2024, the State Treasurer’s Office possessed 96 state/regular positions and 12 fixed-term, part-time contractual positions which were allocated as follows:

Budget & Accounting Division – 7

Debt Management Division – 4

Executive Division – 12

Information Technology Division –11

Insurance Division – 16

Legal Division – 7

Operations Division – 7

Treasury Management Division – 20

Maryland 529 Division – 12

MD529 Contractual – 12
Contact the State Treasurer’s Office, Human Resources division, with any questions or concerns:
- 410-260-7078
- Toll free: 1-800-974-0468
- Fax: 410-260-4090
- TTY: 800-735-2258 (Maryland Relay 711)
- Maryland State Treasurer’s Office, Human Resources Division, 80 Calvert Street, Rm 109, Annapolis, Maryland 21401
As an equal opportunity employer, Maryland is committed to recruiting, retaining, and promoting employees who are reflective of the State’s diversity.