Loss Prevention

When disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc., cause damage to State-owned property, State agency personnel may contact the Insurance Division for assistance. On weekends and holidays, agency personnel may call 410-271-0312 to speak to an Insurance Division professional. At all other times, agency personnel may call 410-260-7684 or 800-942-0162. Our Insurance Division professionals have the resources, through our insurance brokers, to quickly respond to catastrophes and to help State agencies with property restoration or replacement, loss mitigation, structural engineering analysis, and a host of other services.

In the event of a disaster, the Insurance Division recommends that agency personnel take the following steps:

 To obtain the Property Loss Report form, click here and download the Property Loss Report form. Complete the form and submit it to our office by fax or mail within 60 days of the date of loss.
For more information or to answer any questions about these guidelines, please contact the Insurance Division at 410-260-7684.

How to schedule a Boiler Inspection

The Liberty Mutual’s Boiler and Machinery Contact Center is managed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  The contact center is staffed to respond immediately to any questions and schedule inspections.

When calling the toll-free-number, the Call Center Representatives will ask for the following information:

  1. Location(s) where the equipment is located, including zip code. Please be prepared to supply address(es).
  2. Name and contact information of the authorizing person for scheduling the inspection. Please provide both cell/office telephone numbers and email address for all contacts.
  3. Type of equipment requiring inspection.
  4. Certificate Inspection date and certificate number.

If you wish to speak to the Liberty Mutual’s inspection staff, please leave a message with the contact center and they will return your call.

Liberty Mutual’s Boiler and Machinery Contact Center

Boiler and Machinery hotline

Fire Protection Impairment Notice

An impairment of any fire protection system or equipment occurs when that protection system, alarm or detection device is removed from service either partially or completely. Potential examples of impairments can be due to; planned preventive maintenance, construction or a power outage.

When contacting AIG to report an impairment, the following information will be requested:

  1. Location(s)
    • Please be prepared to provide address(es)
  2. Length of time for the impairment
  3. Name & contact information of the authorizing person who has responsibility to control the impairment.
    • Please provide both cell and office telephone numbers and the email address for all contacts

When the impairment time period has expired, AIG will call and/or email the authorizing person to confirm the status of the impairment. If there is no response from the authorizing person of the agency, AIG will contact the State Treasurer’s Office Insurance Division to report noncompliance.

Report the imparement

We are developing an online portal to streamline the process of setting up new agency accounts. In the meantime, please complete this temporary PDF form. To ensure the security of your sensitive information, please only fax the completed form to us at (410) 974-2076 or send via regular mail to the address listed below. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we transition to the new online system. 


Maryland State Treasurer’s Office 

Banking Services

80 Calvert Street

Annapolis, MD 21401

Lockbox Banking Services

Solicitation Number:

RFP #LB-10192023


Lockbox Banking Services

Issue Date:


Proposals Due: 


Award Date:



Solicitation Letter

Financial Proposal Form


Amendment #2

Questions & Answers #1

Questions & Answers #2 (2 of 2)



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